Monday, October 19, 2015

     WOW! It has been about a year since I was last on this. I promise i'll stay on top of this this time. We have a lot of games coming up this year and it's going to be great!! here's a small taste of what is coming out this year:
1. Super Mystery Dungeon (Pokemon) November
2. Just Cause 3 December
3. Far Cry Primal (I can not wait for this game to come out!!) February
4. The division (which I have high hopes for) March
5. Rise of the Tomb Raider (two different dates.) Xbox gets it first.

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Far Cry 4

  Far Cry 4 is here and it is one of the best games that i have played in a long time. It is a lot better than the last Far Cry game, and it left me itching for an even better Far Cry in the future.
 There is 32 main missions, 24 outposts, 17 bell towers, 4 fortresses, and about 12 side missions (give or take a few); so there are many many many hours of game play here.
  We also have new animals, vehicles, and weapons. My favorite in each category is, the elephant because who wouldn't want to ride and elephant. My favorite vehicle is the Buzzer, it is basically a one seated helicopter. My weapon of choice is the Auto Cross because it is silent but deadly.
  Now the game is much harder than before, which is good in my opinion. It is harder to get up the bell towers since it is guarded with royal army. The outpost are also much harder to take over since the alarms are more hidden than used to. The animals have gotten smarter as well. They now can climb and jump onto objects to attack you; but it gets worst, if you want to skin them you can not over shoot the animals or blow them up.

 Okay, so here is a cool little feature, it is called choice, it lets you make decisions about the missions, weather that is to kill a certain person or let them go, or decide to follow Amita or follow Sabal.
  This game will definitely be a big on holiday wishlists. If you like Farcry and it's series you'll most likely like this game.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Holiday 10

The Holiday season is just around the corner which means it's time to go shopping. So here is my prediction for the top games this holiday season (not in order) .
1. Pokemon Omega Ruby
2. Pokemon Alpha Sapphire
3. CoD: Advance Warfare
4. FarCry 4
5. Assassin Creed Unity
6. Assassin Creed Rouge
7. Dragon Age: Inquisition
8. Watch Dogs
9. Lego Batman 3
10. Destiny
 Also with the new year coming up don't forget to buy the new Gen consoles for all of next years upcoming games.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Throwback Thursday

Ah. Shining Force, such a great game. My personal favorite is Shining Force: Resurrection of The Dark Dragon(GBA). It is a turn-based tactical RPG.
Basically what happens in the game is Max(main character) is sent on a quest to stop Darksol(villian) from Resurrecting The Dark Dragon for his own evil doing.
There are many characters who you can find on your adventure to stop Darksol and join your party. My favorite is Zylo who is a fighting wolf (my favorite animal). Being a wolf gives him an advantage is the forest areas which helps stop Darksol army. Zylo also has a high attacking stat that comes in handy against The Dark Dragon.

My question to you is, what is your Throwback Thursday game?

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

FarCry 4

So with FarCry 4 coming out in just about a week, i am hoping many of you have reordered the game for its special bonuses (at Walmart its Three missions, a Harpoon Gun and Sandman 1911 Pistol). So This is a post on what I want to see in the new FarCry 4 video game.
First off I want to see a bigger weapon holster and a bigger ammo pack, since I like going berserk on the enemy and completely destroy them with explosions. So the more I carry with me the more killing I can preform.
It would also be nice to have night vision goggles for after the sun sets. This way the enemy can be taken out completely surprised. Or maybe just a radar for predators that are about to attack to give more of a warning of an attack.
So far ,based off the videos that has been sent out, I am looking forward to riding an Elephant in the game. I find it very useful in crushing the enemy. Also the moving car that you set C-4 on looks like it could come in handy on demolishing the enemy's bases.
Speaking of moving cars in the game, I think that the coolest of the features in the new game is Shooting from a moving vehicle and jumping from vehicle to vehicle. It is a very good update from FarCry 3 and I just cant wait to play.
So my questions are:
What are you looking forward to in the game?
What are you hoping to see in it?  

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Pokemon Alpha Sapphire and Omega Ruby Demo

Okay, so most of us know that Pokemon Alpha Sapphire and Omega Ruby comes out in about 10 days. So I decided to play the demo for the first time since Nintendo gave out the codes. Honestly, the demo was no where near as awesome as people made to seem. Don't get me wrong it was fun, but not what I was hoping for.
After finishing certain adventures you get special prizes that can be transferred over to the full game (Which is pretty cool, in my opinion). You get Glalie, Pokeball set, Heal ball set, Heart Scale set, and a Nugget. Which all of them will be big help in the beginning (if we get them at the beginning) of the game.
Now out of the adventures that are in the demo, I would have to say my favorite of them was the battle with Theodore. I found him to be the best battler in the demo. It's a four on four battle with him using Blaziken, Sceptile, Swampert and Hariyama.
Well I say play the demo to get the feel of what you'll be getting. If you like the demo then get the full game on November 21st.